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Planning Board Minutes 12/04/2008
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
December 4, 2008

Members Present:  Tom Jameson, Chairman, Joanna McIntosh, Richard DeBold, Richard Arell, David Kenneally, Richard Moore and Jamie Pike, Secretary.

Chairman Jameson opened the meeting at 6:35pm

In accordance with RSA 673:11, Mr. Moore was designated as a voting member in the absence of Mr. Brehm.

The minutes of November 6th were reviewed and the making of a motion in regards to the Master Plan Steering Committee was corrected.  A motion was made to accept the minutes of November 6th as corrected by Ms. McIntosh and seconded by Mr. Kenneally.  Motion Passes.

The January meeting shall be scheduled for Monday, January 5th due to a scheduling conflict with the Town Hall.

The Board discussed scheduling a zoning amendment work session to discuss:
        Workforce Housing
        Definition of a dwelling
        Commercial Village Restrictions
        4-year Exemption
        Noise Ordinance

Design Review:  Subdivision, Houle, Map 2 Lot 65A

Mark DeGrace of Holden Engineering along with James Christie, Sarah Houle, and Raymond Houle were present to speak on the merits of the application.

The purpose of this subdivision is to divide the 4.63 acre lot into two lots.  The subsequent lots are to be 2.236 acres and 2.076 acres.  The primary lot shall have 315.72 feet of road frontage and the secondary lot shall have 246 feet of road frontage.  The lots were determined to be in the Residential Zone in accordance with variance granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on December 17, 1985.  A driveway permit for the new lot has been submitted to the Board.  It was noted that the plans have not provided for a Soil Scientistís stamp.

A motion was made to accept the application into the jurisdiction of the Planning Board by Mr. Kenneally and seconded by Mr. DeBold.  Motion Passes.

Public Hearing:  Subdivision, Houle, Map 2 Lot 65A

There were no abutters present.

Mark DeGrace of Holden Engineering along with James Christie, Sarah Houle, and Raymond Houle were present to speak on the merits of the application.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made to approve the subdivision with a precedent condition be the provision of a soil scientist certification stamp by Mr. Kenneally and seconded by Mr. Moore.  Motion passes.

Design Review:  Subdivision, Stone, Map 8 Lot 24

Jeff Green of JL Green Enterprises along with Josh and Brianne Stone were present to speak on the merits of the application.

The purpose of this subdivision is to divide the 118.2 acre lot into two lots.  The subsequent lots are to be 12.101 acres and 106.1 ±.  The primary lot shall have 333.05 feet of road frontage and the secondary lot shall have 601.62 feet of road frontage.  The lots are located in the Rural-Agricultural Zone.

There was discussion concerning the placement of the temporary shed on the secondary lot and the location of a drainage easement on the primary lot for the Town to discharge water from the opposite side of the road via a culvert.

A motion was made to accept the application into the jurisdiction of the Planning Board by Mr. Kenneally and seconded by Mr. Moore.  Motion Passes.

Public Hearing:  Subdivision, Stone, Map 8 Lot 24

There were no abutters present.

Jeff Green of JL Green Enterprises along with Josh and Brianne Stone were present to speak on the merits of the application.

Being no further discussion a motion was made to approve the application with two precedent conditions:
  • A note notating that the shed on the secondary lot is temporary and is to be removed.
  • A note indicating the location of a potential drainage easement for the Town.
Motion made by Mr. Kenneally and seconded by Mr. Moore.  Motion Passes.

Zoning Amendments:

The Board of Selectmen has submitted an amendment to the Building Code.  Mr. Pike reviewed the history of the preparation of the proposed Code.  After review it was the consensus of the Board to put the proposal forward and a Public Hearing shall be scheduled for Monday, January 5th.

Two ìhousekeepingî amendments were presented to the Board concerning the Penalty ordinance and the Enforcement ordinance.  Each of these amendments was prepared to comply within those limits established within State statute.  After review it was the consensus of the Board to put forward the proposed amendments and a Public Hearing shall be scheduled for Monday, January 5th.
The Board requested that Town Counsel opinion be sought regarding the necessity of preparing Workforce Housing ordinance amendments this session.

A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Kenneally to adjourn the meeting at 8:40pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Thomas Jameson, Chairman